Best Juul Compatible Pods

Juul compatible pods come in a variety of flavors and are a convenient workaround for every Juul smoke r. These non-refillable pods solve a lot of issues for the users as they come with their favorite liquids. These tiny disposable vape cartridges are made up of coil, e-liquid, and wick. There are plenty of pods available for people, but how can you choose the best one for you? Here are some of the best off brand Juul pods that are preferred by regular smokers. #1 Eon Pods These colorful pods have an abundance of flavors and come in cheeky containers. These are one of the best Juul compatible pods available in the market. These pods provide sweet and fruity flavors and are available in Pineapple, Blueberry, Watermelon, Mango, Pink Lemonade, Cool Mint, Grape, Cucumber, and many more. Each pod has a nicotine level of 6 percent. The variety of ice and traditional flavors make for a smooth smoking experience for Juul users. #2 Ziip Pods These are non-traditional f...