Craving a Zen Experience? Try These Tubes

Zen is a state of mind. It emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-restraint, a phenomenon that tends to explain the true nature of the human mind. Many describe it as a meditative state. Attaining a Zen state is one of the various reasons many individuals smoke. There’s a widespread belief among smokers that if your smoking sessions don’t offer that meditative feeling associated with Zen, something’s not right. While this may or may not be true, it’s pertinent to note that several factors contribute to the lack of a smooth smoking session. Other factors may include the environmental quality (e.g., atmosphere, crowd, etc.). A factor people hardly consider is the quality of tubes deployed. Like many other elements, tubes contribute a lot to how well a smoking session goes and is experienced. It’s not uncommon for smokers to complain about the low quality of the tubes they use. They lament on their inability to secure high-quality ones with which to enjoy their premium toba...