Best Cigarette Rolling Machines.
Rolling your tobacco, yourself can be fun sometimes, especially if you are a beginner or just started using a RYO cigarettes brand. You can roll your own tobacco manually or with a machine. Rolling gives you more control over the size and type of tobacco you want.

There are lots of cigarette machine manufacturers and cigarette machines as well, singling out one that will suit your taste doesn't have to be complicated.

In this article, we list the best cigarette rolling machines you can purchase from the Smokers Outlet Online.

I. Powermatic II

The Powermatic II remains the best electric cigarette machine of all time. With an impressive motor speed, improved gears and a spacious hopper on top, the Powermatic II makes consistent 100mm sizes of cigarettes at a go. It’s a bit pricey but worth every penny.

II. Poweroll

Poweroll is yet another product from the trusted brand name top-o-matic. This electronic cigarette machine is easy to use and durable even though it comes with a one-year warranty. We only wish that there's a way to reduce jamming on this product.

III. Top-O-Matic Heavy Duty

The Top-O-Matic Heavy Duty is manually operated, easy to clean and hardly gets jammed. You can make your premium cigarettes of different sizes with this machine and with little effort. It is fast and efficient, but we'd prefer an electronic replica of this machine, its manual operation is what separates it from perfection.

Iv. Top-O-Matic T2

The Top-O-Matic T2 cigarette rolling machine is a manually operated device that you can use to transform your bugler tobacco into nice looking sticks of cigarettes. It is efficient in terms of speed, highly durable since its parts are made of rustproof metal, and can be used to make both king and 100mm sizes of smokes.

V. Excel Platinum

If you want a good cigarette rolling machine but don’t want to break the bank, the Excel Platinum is for you. The Excel Platinum comes with a solid plastic covering and all metal insides. It comes with a one-year warranty; it is easy to use and efficient. The only downside to the Excel Platinum is that it only rolls one size, asides that, it gives great value for your money.

None of the machines on this list cost over $100, amazing right? If you enjoy Tobacco and want to try your hands at rolling your cigarettes yourself, these machines are a good starting point.

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