Going Lean: Rolling Your Own Cigarettes

You may have heard of any one of these terms: RYO, MYO, roll-ups, rollies, bingie, burns, hand-rolled cigarettes, rolls, and lickies. They all mean the same thing and refer to roll-your-own cigarettes. These are cigarettes you make from rolling paper and loose tobacco.

You can buy roll-your-own products as tins of tobacco or in pouches. In some cases, they include cigarette tubes or rolling papers. Loose filters are on the market, and you can buy them as additions to rolled cigarettes.

Some people employ machines to assist them, and some use cigarette tubes or pre-rolled cones.
With hand-rolled cigarettes, smokers can roll cigarettes of any diameter, while keeping the strength of the cigarette under control. There are technologies to assist in the process. These include hand injectors to large in-store machines.


To roll your own cigarettes, you need tobacco and rolling papers at the very least. There are equipment to assist with the rolling if you prefer to use those. Cigarette injectors and mechanical rolling machines are some of the equipment, and they can be either electric or mechanical.
If you’re using a rolling machine, you can choose to add filters. Filter tubes are part of the process when using an injector to make cigarettes.

Rolling Tobacco

Also called cigarette tobacco. It is the primary tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes. It is more common in pouches. There is a US federal tax on roll-your-own tobacco. It was raised to $24.78 per pound from $1.0969 in 2009.

The higher RYO tobacco tax made many smokers switch to using pipe tobacco to make cigarettes. The primary reason was that the pipe tobacco tax rate only came to $2.83 per pound after it was also increased.

RYO Techniques

There are several methods to make a hand-rolled cigarette, but the backroll is the most popular method. It involves inverting the rolling paper to ensure the gum faces the inside. Once the roll is in place, you can lick the gum and tear off any excess paper. 

The reality is that only a small number of smokers (6.7% in the US) care to roll their own smokes. The figure is in stark contrast to those from Canada (15%), Australia (22%), and the United Kingdom (30%). The lower price of conventional ciggies appears to be responsible for this. You can obtain some of the best cheap cigars from retailers who stock a wide variety of tobacco and smoking gear.

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