3 Mistakes Cigar Novices Make You Should Avoid
Cigar aficionados and other enthusiasts always seem a step above
every other smoker. And for a good reason. They know their stuff and
smoke with distinction novices can only admire from afar. Of course,
being a novice is not a bad thing since some established smokers still
act like one. However, you should definitely avoid some mistakes,
whether you're looking at using a cigar or some kind of swisher sweets from Smoker's Outlet.
Bad Storage Habit
With cigars, you want to ensure that they're stored properly. If you
don't keep them well, say goodbye to that excellent taste and great
burn. Get a humidor to store your cigars or other great cases for that
purpose. Think about offering some of your friends some cigarettes from
your stash, before everything turns out to be moldy or too dry. There's
simply no flavor to be had from such cigars, no matter how hard you try.
So kick the habit if you want to spend less and enjoy more cigars.
Lighting Up With a Zippo Lighter
You do not want to look like the villain in an action movie. So,
what's the point lighting your cherished cigars with a Zippo? For one,
your cigar will immediately get an odd taste thanks to tainted flavors.
Put this down to fumes from the fuel. Further, many smoking aficionados will be quick to point out how terrible a Zippo is for smoking. What you should do is check online for bugler tobacco
for ideal accessories, including a jet flame lighter to get your
smoking groove on. No doubt, you'll come across viable options to have a
swell time.
Getting Rid of Ash After Every Puff of the Cigar
You can take out some residue from a smoking pipe at intervals.
However, it's not the same with cigars, especially when a newbie
constantly flicks off the ash in an attempt to look and feel cooler than
every other smoker. Pros leave the ash for a while and allow the
quality of the cigar to shine through. Of course, you'll flick off the
ash from the cigar in question, but don't be in a hurry. Have some fun
smoking rather than waste your cigar. Remember, you paid for them.
Got a cigar in mind but want to avoid these mistakes? You can start with some determination. Get some of the best smoking accessories either to smoke, roll your cigar, or just have a great time from Smoker's Outlet.