3 Tips to Make the Transition from Cigar Smoking to Pipe Smoking

The number of cigar smokers keen on the pipe has only risen since the turn of the century. Well, it's straightforward to see why. For one, pipe smoking is a cheaper alternative to cigars, smokers have stated that they are more relaxed when smoking, and the most important reason? A pipe smoker seems more worthy, at least in the eyes of the general public and most especially among smokers. This is why Smoker's Outlet Online gets more hits than many other outlets in addition to having a ton of popular products and accessories.

Want to get in on the act? Here are tips to help you transition to pipe smoking.

Get the Pace Right 

If you could burn through many cigars within minutes, you shouldn't even think about doing so when transitioning to the pipe. Not only is that less probable, but it's also a terrible way to have fun smoking. Sure, you might have a really good stuff shipping code to order any pipe you want. However, when it gets to you, and you've got all the accessories ready, try to go at a slow pace.

Pipe smoking is relaxing in itself, so what's the hurry? What's more, smoking a pipe is like sipping from a cup. You take little and hopefully enter a meditative state that's all the more enjoyable.

Materials are Important 

Material is an aspect you want to consider when smoking a pipe. You'll want something that has a lighting method that's easy and isn't too weighty in hand. Also, with the proliferation of the market by many products and accessories, you're bound to make the wrong choice without looking hard enough. Just as becoming comfortable with pipe smoking takes time, you should also take time to search out a pipe built with materials fit for your personal needs. Having just the good stuff can go to waste with the wrong materials.

Relights are Personal  

You're not in competition with anyone. So why should you be worried about putting out your pipe and relighting later? When you get the balance between sipping, tamping, and lighting, you'll get a feel for how the tobacco acts up inside the lit bowl. Even veteran pipe smokers have to relight occasionally. So if your pipe goes off or you put it out, reignite at your personal convenience.


After a while, you'll be so good at pipe smoking, especially after redeeming pipes and cigars coupon available on platforms like Smoker's Outlet Online. The transition isn't restricted to the way you smoke but also the level of enjoyment you derive.

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