4 Important Pipe Cleaning Tools You Can't Do Without

Cleaning your pipe forms a vital part of pipe smoking. It's not your typical cigarette smoking where you can simply enjoy a smoke and tap for the ashes to drop. Pipe cleaning takes more consideration since you'd want to have it for a while. So, what does it take? Get some tools or equipment ready from your smoker's outlet online, whether that's for a thorough or easy clean.

Now, here are 4 Important tools you need to clean your pipe.

Paper Towels or Cloth 

Depending on your choice, you'd basically need a cloth or towel that won't be abrasive and fits the bill ecologically. Further, with the different pipe tobacco types you smoke, you can expect a whole lot of stains that would prove challenging to get off your pipes. Wash out the cloth or towel regularly so that it's ready for subsequent use. Paper towels are handy especially when used to absorb liquids while you scrub.

Rubbing Alcohol 

Rubbing alcohol serves many uses thanks to its strong makeup. For instance, it's a great disinfectant and cleaner. Get a little amount on your cleaning cloth and proceed to clean vital areas of your pipe. This includes the stem, bowl and shank. What's more, besides thoroughly cleaning your pipe, it leaves it fresh and won't let your tobacco taste sour.

Pipe Cleaners/Scrapers

Selecting a pipe tobacco brands is not a straightforward process since there are many options. Add that to a pipe that requires regular cleaning and you know that you'll need tools like pipe cleaners or scrapers to get it clean. These cleaners are great at taking out tough dirt and dottle. Whether you opt for a soft, metal or nylon scrapers, you'll have your pipe cleaned out efficiently.

Pipe Reamer

You're not alone if you've never heard of this tool. However, it's a useful one to have, particularly if you have lots of cake and unwanted sediments after smoking your pipe. When the cake or charred remains of the tobacco gets too thick, the taste of your pipe can become bitter or sour. You can deal with such a build-up using a pipe reamer.


Pipes are wonderful accessories for any smoker to have, and these four tools go a long way to maintain them. Getting the good stuff to enjoy only goes far enough. You need the best tools from Smoker's Outlet Online for your pipe. 

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