Pipe Smoking Success - 4 Tips You Want to Remember

Pipe smoking is a thing of beauty. You don't need to fake being like the great men of history to enjoy one too. All you want in your pipe smoking journey is to have all the pleasure you can possibly derive from lighting up a pipe. Well, you can be successful with a few tips you'll do well to remember. If you're an eager beginner, select the best from Smoker's Outlet Online before pondering on the tips you're about to read.

Pipe in hand? Here are four tips to give you great success as you smoke.

Your Pipe's Too Hot? Let it Go

With a generous amount of dry tobacco in your pipe bowl, you're all set to light it up and puff away. However, it's possible that after lighting it up, or after smoking for a while, that the pipe gets too hot to handle. Perhaps you're good at playing the hot potato game, but this isn't the time to do so. What you should do is let go of it or hold a cooler part of it until it totally burns out.

Feel Free to Relight Your Pipe

Some smokers, newbies, in particular, think the end of their pipe smoking experience has come when it goes out. They couldn't be more wrong about that. The fact is at that point, you should be brave enough to relight the pipe and continue puffing away. What's more, you can choose to either dump some of the ash from the bowl or ignite it as it is. Either way, you'll have a great time.

Your Pipe Shouldn't Gurgle

You know that sound and movement of the mouth babies make? That's gurgling, and your pipe doesn't need to have this sound. This means there's too much moisture embedded in your pipe's stem. It can spoil the smoking experience and would definitely leave you looking weird and too much of a newbie among other pipe smokers. To get rid of that, use a pipe cleaner. Put it in the end so that some moisture gets off. It's the best you can do after spending some time looking for that good stuff.

Take All the Time You Need

One tip you'll want to always remember in your search for pipe smoking success is to take your time. You want to experience the taste of every flavor which you'll definitely miss out on if you smoke too fast. Let go of the pipe between inhales to get enough on the taste and feel.


Everyone would love some good good stuff to go along with their pipe. If you're one of them, boost your smoking success with cool stuff from Smoker's Outlet Online.


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