How to Choose the Best Tobacco for Your Pipe

Some tobaccos are better than others, so it’s important to choose the right one for you. Now that you have the perfect freshly carved pipe in your possession, you need the right tobacco for a pleasant smoking experience.

The pipe-smoking experience is the culmination of several factors, including variety, cure, cut, and taste.

Room Notes

When shopping for tobacco, some reviews include room notes. The smell of tobacco doesn’t quite approximate its taste. Room notes rate the ambient aroma that a tobacco blend diffuses to those around the smoker.

Rating systems often use stars, ranging from one star to five stars. A one-star rating represents the lowest mark, while a five-star is the maximum.

Room note ratings are essential if you're going to be smoking your pipe indoors when an otherwise sensitive individual may be present.

Tobacco Varieties

Best Tasting pipe tobacco are typically aromatic, non-aromatic, or English blends.

Non-aromatic tobaccos

They rely on the natural ingredients of the tobacco for aroma and flavor. The tobacco undergoes a unique aging or fermentation process to enhance its sweetness.

Aromatic tobaccos

These have flavors (casings) that are included during processing. Common casings include chocolate, vanilla, cherry, apple, arum, and maple. The amount of casing determines if the blend is semi-aromatic or lightly aromatic.

English Blend

No additives were allowed in these until the mid-eighties. Recently though, they contain Oriental tobaccos: Latakia, Perique, and Virginia tobaccos.

The overall strength of the blend depends on the amount of Latakia mixed in. The strength may be mild, mediumor full-bodied.

Tobacco Tastes

It's never a part-time job to select the right tobacco flavor. Flavors are in no short supply. Therefore, it's hard for most beginning smokers to know where to begin. Here are three starter flavors.

· Virginia

The mildest of the bunch and a good burner, this one lights easily and has the highest sugar content. You'll find it in almost all blends.

· Burley

Much thicker than Virginia, but less popular. It has a soft, nutty flavor, and burns slowly. It has a high oil content and is low-sugar. Takes casings (flavorings) with ease since it's relatively neutral.

· Kentucky

Fire-cured Burley from Kentucky. Light, unique aroma.


With a fair idea of what to look for in your pipe tobacco, you can head over to the Smoker’s Outlet Online for wholesale pipe tobacco. If you’re pinching pennies or you want great value for money, there’s the good stuff tobacco coupons for you to use. Your pipe-smoking experience will go up by several notches.

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