Pipe Tobaccos You May Know Nothing About

People are often surprised to learn that there is a sheer number of tobacco strains on the market. There are numerous ways these strains may be cured, blended, and cut to yield pipe tobacco.

Veteran smokers and beginners alike are overwhelmed by this endless variety of pipe tobacco on the market. Worse, there's not a single encyclopedia that has all the information on all that variety.

This short guide is a primer on the types of pipe tobaccos that continue to please the palates and status of mankind, even in modern times. We'll also share a few tips on how to blend and cut them.

Different Varieties of Pipe Tobacco

To explore the various blends of tobacco on the market, we’ll provide a bird's eye view of the multiple varieties. The reason is to raise awareness of the different varieties available on the market.
Learning their unique properties will help you understand how they contribute to the overall smoking experience.

The varieties of tobacco are vast, but these seven are the ones with the highest fame and found in almost any type of pipe tobacco:

· Virginia Tobacco
· Turkish & Oriental Tobacco
· Perique Tobacco
· Latakia Tobacco
· Dark Fired Kentucky Tobacco
· Cavendish Tobacco
· Burley Tobacco

Now, we can look at their prime qualities.

Dark Fired Kentucky Tobacco

This tobacco variety is similar to Burley tobacco. The name suggests it passes through a specific curing process, and it does. It's now less frequent compared with Latakia and other condiment varieties. But, before the Civil War, most of the US-grown tobacco was fire-cured dark-leaf.
A dark tobacco results from curing over an open fire in a barn, and the unique smoky flavor offers a potent nicotine hit. For this reason, Dark Fired Kentucky is an exciting alternative to Latakia because of the generally spicy and earthy flavor profile.

Thus, it is common to blend young and sweet Virginia with this tobacco to achieve some balance.

Burley Tobacco

Burley tobacco has a heavy use in blending pipe tobacco. It is light-air-cured tobacco primarily from Kentucky.
The low sugar-high nicotine balance allows Burley to be the perfect base tobacco for blends due to the slow and cool combustion that results in thick smoke. Dark Burley varieties provide blends with more spice and body, in addition to a hit of nicotine.

White Burley quickly absorbs flavorings, making it the essential tobacco for making aromatic blends.


We’ve kept this short and focused on two little-discussed tobaccos. The tobacco type in the pipe bulk tobacco you purchase can make or mar your overall impression of pipe tobacco and smoking in general. Information like this is vital for all smokers.

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