The Aromatic Tobacco Revolution
You may have come across various classifications of pipe tobaccos that left you a bit confused. In any case, the two broadest classes of pipe tobaccos are aromatics and non-aromatics. The distinctions remain blurred, however.

What is Cased Tobacco?

First, it’s important to note two interesting concepts: “casing” and “top-flavoring.” They refer to two unique ways to alter the flavor of a tobacco blend. Be aware that some tobaccos use both when you see an ad for bulk tobacco for sale.


With casing, the tobacco is sprayed with or soaked in a “sauce.” The condiments of the sauce may include alcohols such as whiskey or rum, sugar, molasses, and natural or artificial flavorings. The exact mix depends on the manufacturer.

After it's drenched in sauce, the tobacco is conditioned in massive cylinders that dry it back to the desired moisture level. Twelve percent is dry, while 22 percent is quite moist. Smokers generally prefer something between 13 and 16 percent.

The aromas and flavors from casing will cling tenaciously to the tobacco, affecting the smoke throughout the bowl.


Spraying the finished blend with flavorings and scents is top-flavoring. It is a far lighter application and does not alter the moisture content of the leaf dramatically.

When a top-flavoring is a "top-note," it can be short-lived. The volatile nature of many of the commonly-used components can cause tobacco left to "air out" to lose much of the perfume from top-flavoring.

Drying Out

Tobaccos can become sticky, depending on the casing used. Some manufacturers use humectants to control the moisture level in the final product. If you've heard of PG, it's short for propylene glycol and is the most common humectant available.

Though PG appears to have a bad reputation, it’s the fault of the blending houses who use it indiscriminately. If the tobacco won’t dry out, PG is likely responsible. It works great in small quantities. Larger quantities produce sticky, pipe clogging, wet smoking tobacco that should not be used in a pipe.

Not all flavored tobaccos come with a casing, and casing is not a negative thing all the time. The issue is often the confusion about the term.


There are a few brands that ensure their aromatic tobaccos provide a positive talking point among avid pipe smokers. It is possible to find a tobacco website to match your yearning for the memorable smoking experiences. Smoker’s Outlet Online even offers Good Stuff Pipe Tobacco-free shipping to deliver your product to you fast and in excellent condition.

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