The Best Tobacco Pipes for Beginners

Gentlemen and scholars alike enjoy the ritual and relaxation of smoking a pipe. As a beginner, you can get your feet wet by learning about the pipe itself and its various types.

Know the Anatomy of Your Pipe

The structure of a pipe is as vital as the pipe itself, so understanding its basic structure is critical. Imagine going to the pipe club and thinking you hear "tendon" when, in fact, it's "tenon."

Various manufacturers have slight variations on pipe anatomy, but the basics never change.

Pipes, pipes, and more pipes

Pipe, shapes, styles, and personalities are endless. Some even call pipes the snowflakes of smoking. They come in various sizes and have differing bowl geometry. They often come in various materials, and express different philosophies or tell different stories. With that being said, any pipe is great as long asyou’re cool with it.

So, what are the common pipe-making materials?


This material is from the actual corncob. It is durable, easy to maintain, and easy to dispose of. It easily wears out but is inexpensive. Corncob pipes are great for a beginner.


Briar comes from the protrusions on heath trees. These knob-like elements are called burls. Briar is hard and resistant to heat. It is the perfect pipe-making material. A good briar is golden; the trees take a long time to mature, and usable root may take 80-200 years to become pipe material.

Briar pipes are lightweight and porous, removing the need for a filter.

Pure-grain briar can be pricey, but you can go DIY and make one for yourself.


Imagine puffing through seashell fossils. That's precisely the idea behind meerschaum pipes. They are often a vent of artistry, coming in a castle, lion head, cherub, or dinosaur claw shapes.

Central Turkey is where you find the best meerschaum. There are fakes, though.

Meerschaums are an excellent match for the Smoker's Outlet's best cheap pipe tobacco. They lend a unique, crisp smoking flavor to tobacco and absorb more moisture than briars.

The white meerschaums eventually turn brown once they get broken in –a really cool feature.


The Smoker's Outlet is the smoker's choice for a wide range of smoking pipes that enhance your smoking experience. It's also an excellent spot for anyone googling "discount tobacco near me” or wants the best loose tobacco brands.

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