Top 3 Stylish Cigar Smoking Icons

If you're a cigar buff but want to develop a unique style to call your own, this article might give you an idea or two. We’ll go way back to get some cues on how to thoroughly enjoy your cigar or pipe tobacco.

A Zen Tubes 250 ct. Red King may not have existed in the past, but you can trust it along with other products from Smoker's Outlet Online to keep you coming back for more.

With just about any product that gives the best smoking experience, read about these icons who were hardcore smokers:

1. Fidel Castro

Ex Cuban president, Fidel Castro, made cigarslook appealing. What's more, Cuba is home to some of the finest and most executive blends of cigars in the whole world. So, Fidel advertised what his country was proud to produce. There's some truth in that, but he did love his cigars and was almost always seen with one in his mouth, puffing away with pleasure.

2. Winston Churchill

You've probably come across a couple of his quotes and speeches on pressing societal and political issues. However, his cigars might have been the inspiration behind them. This is because he tookmore pleasure in lighting one up in solitude than holding a conversation with most people.

Furthermore, he was a calm and respectable leader and had a famous collection of cigars he would often turn to when situations seemed too volatile to handle. No doubt, he would have loved an OHM Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Bold along with his morning coffee.

3. Jack Nicholson

A name some millennials can identify with since he remains a Hollywood stalwart. Jack may have discovered the joys of smoking cigars later in his life, but it's something he hasn't looked back upon. What's more, he's an icon you would love to imitate, whether alone or in the company of friends.


There you go! These are just a few icons who enjoy their cigars. There's more, especially with present-day products from Smoker's Outlet Online. Think about all the good feelings you’ll get to experience by smoking a Golden Harvest tubes 200 ct. Red King with your new-found style.


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