What Determines the Quality of a Cigar?

What are the major qualities of a good cigar? Most veteran smokers will agree on these:
  • Combustibility
  • Texture
  • Flavor
  • Elasticity
  • Aroma
  • Color
  • Balance
  • Composition of oils and nicotine
Dominican cigars have all of these features.

What Should a Quality Cigar Contain?

A cardinal requirement is that a cigar must be made by hand, using good stuff tobacco and a full leaf. Also, it should be homogeneous, free of veins, smooth, and rolled properly. It must not be bitter or sting in smell or taste. The thicker and darker tobacco leaves make for a stronger cigar flavor.

Cigar quality depends on these factors:
  1. Manufacturing standards.
  2. Aging and storage process.
  3. Fermentation of the tobacco leaves.

Fermentation should be between 1 and 3 years. More fermentation leads to an ultimately better cigar.

If the manufacturer uses good tobaccos, the cigar will burn properly from start to finish and will have a pleasant aroma. Good tobacco is evident in products such as good stuff tobacco free shipping.

Tobacco connoisseurs say the morphological structure of the leaf and its chemical make-up also determine the quality of tobacco. This depends on many different factors, such as the producer’s and consumer’s point of view.

At harvest, tobacco is valued by its texture, elasticity, and feel of the leaf. But, for the smoker, quality depends on features like taste, fragrance, burning property, and how the ashes separate from the cigar.

When speaking of cigars, both consumers and manufacturers prefer slow and steady combustion. For this to happen, the leaves are positioned in concentric layers. Aroma comes alive when tobacco makes combustion. It is an essential element that determines the tobacco’s quality.

On the other hand, taste is another vital determinant of quality. There has to be a balance between carbohydrates and proteins to ensure good taste.

Humidity and Tobacco

Tobacco leaves must have the humidity of coastal climates. They must also be stored in facilities with high ceilings and proper ventilation. Later, fermentation allows the tobacco to be smooth, aromatic, and primed for aging and preserving the aroma for a better product.

Fermentation is recommended for at least a year and not more than 3 years. This range allows the aged tobacco to result in a better-flavored and aroma-filled cigar. The aging time will depend on the manufacturer’s preference.


Smoking is art, and a smoker committed to this art will do all they can to find high-quality tobacco products. Whether it’s bagged tobacco or cigars, the Smoker’s Outlet online gives smokers complete assurance of the highest quality product.

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