3 Types of Tobacco Smoking Pipes: Calabash and Canadian Pipe Shapes

Pipe smokers pride themselves on being a meticulous bunch. Some tobacconists understand this and have a reputation of caring for the pipe smoker’s precise needs. Smokers Outlet Online is an online store that offers pipe smokers a vast array of smoking products and accessories.

After buying what they consider to be the best tobacco, a typical pipe smoker wants a good pipe from which to savor a memorable smoking session. The shape of the pipe is an essential factor in choosing a pipe. Here are three basic smoking pipe shapes:

1. Calabash Pipe Family

This pipe shape family is synonymous with Sherlock Holmes. They’re made from dried calabash gourd and have the semblance of a calabash too.

The briarwood is a common material for this pipe, but the shape has remained the same. While rare, you can find calabash pipes made from meerschaum.

Large conical bowls are the identifying feature of calabash designs. The shank and stem are also a distinctive curve.

The calabash shape is normal hand-carved for briar and meerschaum, even though the original calabash variant uses the gourd’s natural shape. For meerschaum, there’s a removable bowl cap of meerschaum to cover the gourd.

Calabash gourd pipes are usually big to hold reasonable quantities of good tobacco, such as bagged tobacco. At the same time, the removable bowl is quite small. However, the gourd’s natural properties produce some of the driest and smoothest smoking experiences any pipe smoker can have.

Its aesthetics has also made affordable synthetic alternatives common.

Canadian Pipe Family

The Canadian pipe Family has four members that look very much like identical quadruplets. Their defining feature is their extremely long shank with the billiard-like bowl.

These are the four variants:

· Canadian;

· Liverpool;

· Lovat;

· Lumberman.

Dublin Pipe Family

Dublin pipes are very billiard-like in shape. Their chief recognizable factor is their conical bowl. Dublin pipes sport a tapered interior, offering a unique experience during which flavors concentrate as the smoke progresses.

Despite these standard features, members of the Dublin family also have unique identifying characteristics.

The standard Dublin pipe can be straight or bent and may also have a tapered or saddle bit. The shank may also be oval, round, or square.

Dublin Pipe Variants

· Acorn/Pear;

· Cutty;

· Devil Anse;

· Skater;

· Zulu/Woodstock.


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