4 Things You Should Know to Pick the Perfect Pipe Tobacco

To find the perfect pipe, you need to spend some time researching the right product for you. You’ll need to look up various pipe types, compare and contrast different designs, and so forth. Then, you’ll need to consider what you’re going to put into the pipe. This question is as important as having the pipe itself.

Pipe tobaccos are not all of the same quality. But, choosing the right tobacco for your pipe can be somewhat subjective. There are different types of tobaccos that pipe smokers may prefer. An example is the bold cocoa note, rich mahogany flavor Prince Albert in a Can. However, there are ways to find the perfect pipe tobacco for you.

Understand the Language of Tobacco

Pipe tobaccos share descriptors that may sound unfamiliar to beginners. Terms such as “Aromatic,” “Aromatic blend,” “Burley,” “Cavendish,” “Latakia,” and “Virginia” are unclear until you understand their real meaning.

Virginia and Burley are the most common tobacco types. Virginia is richer in sugar than Burley. Thus, the smoke is sweeter. Latakia is also a tobacco type, cured by burning aromatic woods and fragrant herbs in a controlled way. Latakia is called “spice tobacco,” just like other spice varieties like oriental and perique.

Aromatic, American, and English are tobacco blends. English blends rely on a Virginia base, while American depends on Burley. Both blends can contain spice tobaccos.

Develop a “Type”

Different tobacco blends taste differently, but the blends of the same type share some similarities. With every new tobacco, note the tobacco type before you smoke it, and learn the elements you like.

If some of the components do not appeal to you, try another. Take note of any unpleasant or unfavorable flavors. This method will help you refine your future searches.

Empty Pipes When Trying Different Pipe Tobaccos

It’s essential not to let remnants of a tobacco type cross-contaminate the next one. Some smokers own several pipes to cater to different pipe tobacco varieties.

If you don’t want to own that many pipes, thoroughly clean your pipe between varieties to prevent flavors contaminating with one another. But, ensure you leave some cake in the bowl to avoid heat damage.

Use Samplers

It’s expensive to try out different tobacco pipes, especially when you end up not liking them. The way to save money is to check out your local tobacco store. Online tobacco stores such as Smoker’s Outlet also stock samplers.

You try out several tobaccos without spending too much. You can then stock up on those you prefer.


The Smoker’s Outlet offers smokers essential products such as Powermatic II Electric Cigarette Injector Machine and Golden Harvest Tubes 200 ct. Red 100 mm. There are also a few impressive pipe tobaccos on the website. Visit us today to transform your smoking experiences for good.

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