Common Issues With Packing Your Pipe and How to Handle Them
Pipe smoking is an art in itself. Virtually every aspect of it is a ceremony the pipe smoker performs with the utmost attention and dedication. Packing a pipe is also a ceremony.

To the casual observer, it will be hard to understand why the pipe smoker might get lost. But, wait until you’ve tried OHM Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Turkish Yellow; the experience is something you’ll relish and suddenly never want to rush through.

So, what are the common pitfalls of packing a pipe, and how does any real pipe smoker avoid them? Bear in mind that both novice and experienced pipe smokers can fall foul of packing a pipe properly.

#1 The pipe’s draw is harder than usual

A tight draw often results from packing a pipe too firmly or not sticking to proper technique. A hard draw usually means you’ve either tamped too hard or have too few layers.

If your draw is hard all the time, one solution is to take your pipe apart to inspect the draught hole and stem. There’s a good chance that you have a blockage that’s impeding proper airflow.

#2 The pipe keeps going out

A pipe can go off in the middle of smoke for several reasons: your smoking technique for one.But inconsistent packing is a far more common problem.

Ensure the pipe is fully lit when you take away the flame.

However, it’s common for pipes to go out on occasion during a smoking session. You should not be too worried if it happens from time to time.

Important Things to Know

Before you even begin to pack your pipe, do you have a pipe tool? A pipe tool helps you tamp your tobacco firmly in pace.

You may be able to tamp using your fingers, but it’s much easier to use a tool. The lighting process also uses the tamp when the tobacco becomes too hot that it could burn your fingers.

The first time you use your pipe, first ensure that it’s properly broken in. This approach helps you create a layer of cake in the bowl. Cake protects your pipe’s wood from getting burnt.


It’s important that you learn how to pack the good pipes that you buy from the Smoker’s Outlet Online. Pipes are usually expensive, yet you deserve to get the best from them every single time.

The Smoker’s Outlet also has other smoking products, such as Bugler Rolling Paper, and Golden Harvest Tubes 200 ct. Blue 100 mm. Come to the website today and get the treat every smoker deserves.

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