The Short Guide to Spotting Quality Cigars
If you’re looking for advice on how to spot a quality cigar, we have a few tips from Smokers Outlet Online. These tips are non-negotiable important when you’re buying high-quality cigars. Here are a few tips you need to know when looking for that good stuff tobacco:

The shape is highly important when you’re evaluating the quality of a good cigar. Look out for a shape you’re comfortable with and that you like smoking.

The time when you’re choosing a quality cigar is one time, you’re allowed to judge a book by its cover: the cigar’s wrapper. Make sure the outermost leaf or wrapper is applied neatly, without tears, gaps, or unsightly seams.

A top-quality cigar needs to have some color uniformity. Insist on a uniform color. The cigar should be neither spotted nor mottled.

Avoid cigars that aren’t at proper humidity levels. It implies that the cigar crumbles feel dry, or flake. If the cigar in your humidor has dried out, ensure that you take the necessary steps to rehydrate the cigar.t

Go for cigars with a gloss or sheen, which is a premium quality statement.

Avoid cigar products with weak spots. Good cigars never have these. Ensure the cigar is full of tobacco and that the consistency is full all round, without any weak spots that cave in.

A cigar’s flavor is more critical than novice smokers may realize. Strip the cigar of its outer wrapping. Put the cigar close to your nose, and inhale deeply. If the smell of the cigar is appealing to you, the taste will likely be too. It is essential, especially when you’re looking for just the good stuff tobacco.

Does Construction Matter?

Other factors that might influence the quality of a cigar include is tobacco blend and quality. The final price of the product is often a function of these individual properties of the cigar.

The cigar’s construction determines the smoothness and the draw when you smoke it. Roll the cigar between the thumb and index finger of your hand to test its construction. Any roughness would make the draw less smooth when you inhale.

The ash also retains the shape of the cigar as you smoke it.


There are several good quality cigars. There are also poorly crafted cigars. Good cigars are pretty much all the stock that you find at the Smokers Outlet Online website. Examples are the Black and Mild flavors. You don’t need to schedule a visit; you can shop for your high-quality cigars of the flavor you want right from your phone.

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