The Simple Art of Lighting and Relighting a Tobacco Pipe
One of the unavoidable rituals of smoking a pipe is the lighting stage. No matter your experience, the lighting stage can have a significant effect on the burn, enjoyment, and taste of your smoke. Pipes are quite hard to light, so after packing your pipe with tobacco, it's essential to introduce the flame carefully to achieve the best smoking experience.

What You Need to Light a Pipe

There are several options on how to light a pipe. For some smokers, choosing the proper tool to light a pipe is one of the most important steps when preparing your pipe for smoking.


For pipe smokers, matchboxes are one of the common ways to light pipes. To use a match to light up a pipe, strike a match, and hold the burn to the surface of the tobacco. Move the flame around the bowl slowly while you puff through the pipe, ensuring all the tobacco is lit and burning equally and that there are no issues with the draw.

Fluid Lighter

A smoker is likely to have a fluid lighter and is a common choice for lighting tobacco. However, there can be issues with using fluid lighters to ignite tobacco, as the larger flame can damage pipe bowls and tobacco. It can get a bad taste from that much toasting.

Butane Lighters

Butane lighters are more expensive than standard lighters. They are also less likely to burn the tobacco or pipe bowl. It's the right choice if you move around quite a bit.

Butane lighters have a specific design for pipe use, making the lighting process much more comfortable. They also protect you and your pipe from the flame, as it's better at directing the fire where it's needed.

How to Light a Tobacco Pipe

There are three essential steps to light up a tobacco pipe:

Hold your flame a little above the tobacco so that it becomes charred but not completely lit.

When inhaling several small puffs, draw ina breath through the pipeas you move the flame around the tobacco in a circular fashion, ensuring all of it is aglow.

Once the tobacco is lit evenly, puff in a steady, sharp manner, so the pipe remains lit.


The Smokers Outlet Online is a website you can visit for smoke accessories such as pipe lighters. They have tobacco for sale and Good Stuff juices as well.

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