Tobacco Smoking Pipes: 3 Important Pipe Shapes
There are many varieties –shapes and sizes– of tobacco pipes. It can be overwhelming to choose one, especially when you're new to pipe smoking. Even when you shop at a merchant such as the Smokers Outlet Online, there's every chance you'll not know what pipe to choose or how to choose one. That why you need some guidance. This article will focus on pipe shapes.

The pipe you choose can make or break your tobacco-smoking experience. You don't want anything to ruin the fun in smoking your Golden Harvest Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Mint or 4 Aces Pipe Tobacco 6 oz Regular. There are many –probably thousands of– different pipe shapes and designs. But tobacconists put them into nine convenient families:

· Sitter Pipes;

· Freehand Pipes;

· Dublin Pipes;

· Curiosity Pipes;

· Canadian Pipes;

· Calabash Pipes;

· Bulldog Pipes;

· Billiard Pipes;

· Apple Pipes.

Apple Pipe Family

These pipes have characteristic rounded bowls. The pipes also sport rotund designs. Those who love the Billiard are often happy to use apple pipes though they are much different from the latter.

A typical apple pipe has a shank of the same length as the bowl's height and comes with a tapered stem. Straight designs are quite common, though they can come bent too.

Apple Pipe Variants

The various forms of the apple pipe include:

· Author;

· Ball/Tomato;

· Diplomat;

· Egg;

· Hawkbill;

· Prince;

· Squat Tomato.

Billiard Pipe Family

This type of pipe is the most popular pipe family. It has a smooth design, with the cylindrical bowl transitioning seamlessly to the shank. The shank usually has the same length as the height of the bowl.

Like apples, most billiards are straight, and some varieties can feature bent designs.

Billiard Pipe Variants

· Brandy;

· Chimney;

· Hungarian or Oom-Paul;

· Oval;

· Panel;

· Pot;

· Stubby or Nose Warmer.

Bulldog Pipe Family

These pipes are a diverse and rich group of pipes. They have some common characteristics and other unique features.

Most bulldog pipes have a forward-leaning bowl with grooves along with its widest point. This bowl may be bent or straight. Typical bulldogs have a diamond shank tapered stem, that's great for sucking pipe tobacco like the OHM Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Blue.

Bulldog Pipe Variants

· Bull-Moose;

· Bullcap;

· Rhodesian;

· Ukelele/Eskimo;


Your choice of tobacco smoking pipe is an important one. You can begin by checking out what shape suits you. There are plenty of smoking pipes with unique features on the Smoker's Outlet website.

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