How to Choose and Store Your Pipe Tobacco
Many pipe smokers, especially beginners, do not know how to choose tobacco. It is even more critical for you to understand how to store your blends when you buy them.

How Should You Store Your Pipe Tobacco?

It is critical to use air-tight containers when storing your tobacco. The reason is that your prized tobacco can dry out even if briefly exposed to the air. A highly efficient option is a flip-top lid with a rubber gasket.

What if your tobacco dries out? Some smokers throw it out and we don’t blame them. Even the Good Stuff Tobacco review they've read doesn't have such information. But you don’t have to do so. A tried and true method is to take a damp washcloth, wring it until you can’t squeeze a drop of water from it. Spread the washcloth over the jar opening. Now, shut the lid tightly for six to eight hours. Every smoking enthusiast should know this trick. You can leave it for up to twelve hours.

Another recommendation is to put your leaf in a bowl and cover it with a wet towel. There are other suggestions for this, but always ensure you don't keep the towel for too long, or the tobacco will mold.

The Process of Choosing the Right Tobacco

Selecting the right tobacco is always overwhelming for beginners. There's no formal class on how to do so. We understand this at Smoker's Outlet, which is why we offer all the help and support that our customers need to enjoy pipe smoking. There's no point walking into a tobacco store and haggling endlessly with the tobacco dealer. We consider it a privilege to help you understand what each blend contains.

A blend may have a great aroma but taste awkward. It might be as smooth as a saw, but that's what casing takes care of. It shields your tongue from the real taste of tobacco. Similarly, some blends have an excellent taste, but their smell has an offensive aromas.

When you buy your pipe tobacco from us, such as the 4 Aces Pipe Tobacco 6 oz Regular, your purchase qualifies you for great benefits.

Reviews from other smokers or an online website can help you make a tobacco choice too. For instance, we’re yet to see one bad Good Stuff Tobacco review even after many years. Head on to our Smoker's Outlet website today to learn even more tips about pipe tobacco.

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