Let’s Teach You What You Need to Know About Pipe Tobaccos

When you begin pipe smoking, you'll discover a community that's warm and inviting. It is surprising to many new pipe smokers. As a rite of passage, a pipe smoker needs to understand tobacco. It’s a responsibility they cannot escape. We have various ways of helping out with that at Smoker’s Outlet.

So, you need to know what tobacco you're smoking. We're not trying to pry into your business. We're trying to help you improve and benefit the most from your smoking sessions.

During this time of initiation, many beginning piper smokers are unable to come to terms with the number of pipe tobacco brands in our online store or at any other smoke shop. It also doesn’t help that they encounter those who tell them that pipe smoking is for Englishmen and sea captains only. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you can smoke a pipe.

Pipe smoking is only an exclusive club since the typical pipe smoker is very careful about his hobby, and his commitment is contagious. But first, let's teach you about your pipe tobacco.

Types of Tobacco

Not every store sells tobacco, so you need to do some work to find a reputable smoke shop. Luckily, you can find a few online such as Smoker's Outlet. The average pipe tobacco you buy from any smoke shop is most likely a blend of tobacco crops from different places. The blender or manufacturer aims for a variation of flavors, burn, and mouth feel. It’s not different from what breweries and wineries do.

The exciting experiments of tobacco blending employ various leaves, including Bright, Burley, Oriental, Latakia, Perique, and Virginia.

Bright tobacco has a hint of flavor and comes from North Carolina in the USA. Burley tobacco is highly popular; the flavor is nutty, and the leaves burn slowly. Oriental tobacco grows in the Middle East. Latakia and Turkish tobaccos are members of the Oriental tobacco family. Oriental tobaccos are often bold and spicy.

However, Latakia adds punch and color to any blend with its intense smokey flavor. One punchy tobacco flavor is OHM Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Turkish Yellow.

Perique tobacco is a spicy species with spicy notes, while Virginia lends an unmistakable sweetness to the flavor. Virginia is probably the most popular tobacco blend, and it’s naturally light with leaves that burn quickly.

Tobacco blending is an adventurous vocation. Each pipe tobacco product contains varying proportions of some of these varieties or even one alone for a distinctive taste and overall smoking experience.

Varieties of Tobacco Flavors

The two broad categories of tobacco blends include aromatics and non-aromatics.


When we smoke, the cherries, cream, and blackberries are due to aromatics. Let’s look at Cavendish for a moment. It has a sweet smell that comes by mixing several tobacco leaf types.

The “Casing” syrup is responsible for the unique smells and names of aromatic blends. The casing is a syrup containing sugar in addition to some flavor, as you might find in one like Golden Harvest Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Mint.

Blenders may add the casing syrup during processing, allowing the flavors to seep into the tobacco. The tobacco will then pass through heat to remove surplus moisture.

Finally, some blenders add alcohol to improve the flavor. Around packaging time, the effect of the alcohol would have gone down, and moisture levels would return to normal.


If aromatic tobaccos come with casing, then non-aromatic tobacco has no casing. These types of tobacco have a comprehensive smooth taste, which is why blenders often tone them down using complementary aromatics.


There is an endless number of pipe tobacco brands that would suit your smoking style. At Smoker’s Outlet, we want to serve you the best pipe tobaccos and accessories like Golden Harvest Tubes 200 ct. Blue 100 mm, but we want you also to know enough about what you smoke. Visit our website to learn even more.

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