Maintaining the Pipe Smoking Culture

Pipe smoking has a long, rich history. There was a time when it was the main accessory for men, along with walking sticks, hats, and pocket watches. Although smoking pipes have phased out, it is gradually making a return. Smoking a tobacco pipe is a great experience – almost like a ritual to those who indulge in it. The art of pipe smoking is learned. There are several types of tobacco blends, pipe types, and shapes. Choosing a tobacco blend or a mixture of combinations is a careful and vital process. Even the process of cleaning out a pipe is a revered one to a tobacco smoker. These processes are part of the pipe-smoking culture. Some may wonder, “Why smoke tobacco in a pipe? Could it be because it’s seen as a distinguished gentleman’s practice? Does it trigger an old memory? Or is it because it requires skills and patience to perfect? Or is it just to enjoy the taste of different aromatic and non-aromatic blends or the good stuff juices ? The reasons why a man s...