Notable Historical Figures Who Smoked Tobacco

Around 5000-3000 BC, man discovered tobacco. South Americans and Mesoamericans cultivated and burnt it for consumption. Later on, smoking found its way into other civilizations, such as the Shamanistic, Chinese, Babylonians, and Indians. These societies used it for religious and cultural rituals alike. Over the centuries, many notable figures have smoked tobacco, here are some of them.
John Rolfe The famous husband of Pocahontas, John Rolfe, is remembered in the history as the first man to cultivate and sell tobacco to Virginia successfully.

Jean Nicot A French diplomat born in the 16th century, Jean Nicot left his footprints in the sands of time as the first man to introduce tobacco into the French republic.

Napoleon Napoleon is one of history's most notable figures. He was a French emperor and famous for being a fantastic tactician, having led his nation to victory in the majority of their battles. He promoted the use of tobacco among his soldiers during his tenure as commander.

Charles Darwin When you hear the phrase "Survival of the fittest," Charles Darwin's theory of Natural selection comes to mind. This English scientist's arguments are the bedrock of modern ones on the subject of evolution.

Albert Einstein Arguably the greatest mind to ever grace the world. Albert Einstein is a name that scientists owe most of their inventions and theories to more than any other. He admired quality tobacco such as the level you'd find in Good Stuff Pipe Tobacco 1 lb Natural, a favorite brand for many smokers selling on Smoker's Outlet.

William Faulkner William Faulkner is an American author who was also a staunch lover of pipe tobacco.

Gerald R. Ford Gerald R. Ford is one of many American presidents that were smokers. Among these converted lists of America's number one citizens that indulged in smoking tobacco include the likes of Herbert Hoover, Martin Van Buren, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Millicent Fenwick Female American politician, Millicent Fenwick is also a famous smoker.

Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf is a famous English writer and considered one of the most crucial modernists of our time.

Philosophers Famous philosophers such as General Lassalle, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Georges Brassens also used the pipes.

Fictional Characters Fictional characters also got in on the act, with writers often depicting the following as tobacco smokers, Sherlock Holmes, the duo of Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf from the Lord Of the Rings franchise, Santa Claus, and more.

Final Thoughts The act of smoking tobacco has been in practice for hundreds of years, and multiple civilizations have dabbled in this sub-culture. Their admiration for smoking is evident in the high level of craftsmanship these societies put in their pipes. A custom you'll find in many of Smoker's Outlet bestsellers, such as Golden Harvest tubes 200 ct. Red King and Zen Tubes 250 ct. Red King. Check out the online store if you want the most excellent quality tobacco products and accessories.

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