5 Tips To Care For Your Pipe Properly

Taking proper care of your pipe is essential for a pleasant smoking experience. Without good usage practices and great maintenance habits, your smoking pipe can become a mash of tastes that make your fun time less enjoyable. Therefore, here are tips on how you can best care for your smoking pipe:

1. Pay Attention While Lighting Your Pipe 
Caring for your smoking pipe begins with how you use it. While lighting your pipe, ensure that you carefully place your flame’s source directly on top of the tobacco. Avoid burning the rim of your pipe —a prevalent unconscious habit of pipe smokers. If you ever mistakenly burn the rims of your pipe, you can remove the charring by putting some moisture on your pipe cleaner and rubbing off the mark.

2. Avoid Knocking Your Pipes Against A Hard Surface 
If you have to remove any dirt or obstructions from within your pipe, avoid knocking your pipe against a hard surface. This action may damage the bowl. If you need to knock your pipe against something, do it against your palm or use a cork knocker.

3. Clean Your Pipe After Smoking 
It’s good practice to clean your pipe every time after smoking to get rid of the tar and nicotine. To clean your pipe, wait for the pipe to cool and scrape away any remaining particle such as soot or tobacco.

4. Only Remove the Stem of a Pipe After It Has Cooled Down 
Never try to remove the stem of a pipe until after the pipe has cooled down. Doing this can result in breaking the tenon of your pipe or the shank.

5. Plan Occasional Thorough Pipe Cleaning 
Thorough cleaning depends on if you’re a regular pipe smoker. If you’re always quick to smoke your favorite, American Club Tobacco, you need to schedule more frequent your thorough cleaning more frequently than others. Learn to pay more attention to the flavor your pipe gives. Whenever you begin to feel a loss in the quality of the taste, that may be the right time to do a thorough cleaning.

Keeping your pipe in good condition is essential to have a fantastic smoking experience. But if your pipes begin to wear from use, you need a reliable place to get more. Smokers Outlet online is one of the best online tobacco and accessories stores as they offer quality products at affordable prices. 

They’re one of the top discount tobacco stores, and you can save more money buying from them. For example, if you buy your favorite pipe along with any tobacco brands like the Good Stuff Tobacco or from Smokers Outlet, you’ll enjoy fair prices and may also qualify for Good Stuff Tobacco coupons or other promotional offers.

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