2 Pipe Tobaccos You Should Try

Most people think you must break a bank to sustain a tobacco routine. That’s not the case. 

Interestingly, you can enjoy your tobacco pipes without any significant effect on your budget. Although you may not get such incredible rates on all products, you can get some excellent quality tobacco products at a fraction of the real value. 

If you do not know which best tobacco product to invest in, this article reviews two popular quality-but-affordable products:

American Club Expanded Tobacco

Tobacco’s expansion is caused by the heat application, which increases the tobacco quantity. The American Club Tobacco used this same technology for their expanded tobacco. While the process involves the use of heat, chemicals are deliberately excluded from the mix. 

The expanded tobacco comes in a one-pound bag, which is 33% larger than what most pipe tobaccosoffer. This bag delivers more fills with Burley and Virginia blend, making every puff a soothing blast. 

America Club Tobacco does not only brag about its quantity; it boasts quality. Let’s quickly examine those flavors and their uniqueness.

First, the American Club Tobacco offers a blend for Grape Vanilla and Cherry flavors. The Blue variant is a bit milder alternative to the finely flavored Red blend. The Green option, on the other hand, is a fine mix of tobacco and menthol to satisfy your warm palate. 

Even more, the American Club always seeks to expand its flavor blend options to attend to a broader range of taste preferences.

Need something different? 

OHM Pipe Tobacco

OHM Pipe tobacco is a famous brand made from US-sourced tobacco. The available flavors include Blue, Bold, Menthol, Menthol Gold, Natural, Silver, Turkish Red, and Turkish Yellow. 

Besides the exciting flavors, these pipe tobaccos are a favorite among smokers for many reasons. Notable among the lot includes:

· Pleasant to the palates;

· The pipe tobacco burns evenly;

· Generally, the smoking experience is a pleasure.


When searching for quality pipe, you can never go wrong with these options above. Whether American Club Expanded Tobacco or the OHM Pipe Tobacco, you are sure of top-notch quality.

These products are affordable. Even more, you can take advantage of the mouthwatering offers available on discount tobacco stores like Smokers Outlet Online

These stores care about smokers’ experience and, hence stock a wide range of products from top brands in the industry. You can never go wrong with these products. Go right here and take advantage of the offers while they last. 

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